Decreasing Toxic Burden in CIRS and EM

When I found myself challenged with erythromelalgia and chronic inflammatory response syndrome, I wanted to do everything I could to tip the scale of healing in my favor. I targeted lowering overall inflammation in my body as this is never a bad thing for health. I was shocked to learn how toxic many of the things were that I was putting on and in my body. Enter "Environmental Working Group" and their Skin Deep app that showed me how to find healthy alternatives. Thank you EWG for doing the hard work for me. Branch Basics wasn't even in existence when I went through EM and CIRS but boy do I wish they were! They make tossing the toxins incredibly easy. I adore Branch Basics and use their products on the daily. See the Branch Basics link below to get started with tossing the toxins and reclaiming your health and vitality! Check out my deep dive into tossing toxins on YouTube at I have BIG hope for your healing!

You can subscribe to our YouTube channel to get a weekly dose of hope from Dr. Sparks herself.

You can read about CIRS Shoemaker Protocol starting from the beginning at Step #1 here.

You can read more about Dr. Sparks’s journey as a medical provider hellbent on healing her own erythromelalgia here.

Read about Dr. Sparks’s healing her chronic inflammatory response syndrome (CIRS) and how that connects to EM here.

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Earthing for Erythromelalgia?!